Jamie Kirkland Art Studio

Let the beauty we love be what we do. ~Rumi ~

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I was in Seattle last week to assist Karla Winterowd, Winterowd Fine Art Santa Fe, NM in setting up and manning her booth. We made a beeline to the Seattle Art Museum after getting off the plane and retrieving our luggage. Karla and I had a most delightful lunch in the cafe. I highly recommend having a bite there. The  roasted tomato soup and a shrimp Louie salad are yummmmmmmmm!

When we ascended the escalator to the second floor I was taken aback by the  Joan Mitchell paintings. Three of them are large-scale.

I had the good fortune a couple of years ago to travel to New Orleans where they were truly celebrating Joan Mitchell in three separate locations. One curator wrote about her work saying that he was most delighted by the variety of marks and textures in her paintings everything from an almost Rothko stain to piled on juicy pigment.

I have included many detail shots of the work for my fellow painters out there. These works are so lively, really made my day to see them.

2 thoughts on “Accidental Encounter with Joan MItchell

  1. Brenda Zappitell says:

    Love your blog post!

    Brenda Hope Zappitell artisthope@aol.com http://www.brendahopezappitell.com cell 561.886.8611

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Thank You Brenda! You and Joan are Kindred Spirits for sure!!!!


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